Thursday, June 1, 2017

Nintendo Super Mario Footballs Out Now

Coming in red and green you can finally throw koopa shells at your friends. Yes, you can really catch these rubbery red or green shells as they are designed to be used as footballs.

Up close, we have to give props to Jakks for once for making a decent product. They looks like a perfect 3D version of the shells from the games. They are quite small in person, so don't expect something bigger than your average football. We bought both and have to say they don't feel soft at all when throwing for catch. They seem tough enough for a real game and to take a beating.

We're kind of amazed of the little fanfare for the products. The poorly names "Nintendo Super Mario Footballs" which would have been easier just to call "Koopa Shell Footballs", because that's what they are, are out now. The retail for about $12.99, but they're a little bit more online. The only place we've found them from a known distributor was at Toy'R'Us in person and online.

We have no word on a blue shell special edition. And, yes we have thought about go go-karting them at throwing them, but we would recommend against it.