Friday, April 21, 2017

Mario Kart Races Into Target and Unicorn Frappuccino Scarcity

Targets around the country are having a makeover for the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the Switch version. Shopping carts are decked out like Mario, Luigi and Peach karts. While, at the front entrance, the iconic race sound plays when the doors open. However, check with your local target before heading over, it's not happening at every store and there hasn't been details on how long it will last.

We can't wait to see the race videos flow online, because we don't think Target and Nintendo realized what would happen if you're going to put race karts in a store.
On other scarcity news, good luck finding the Unicorn Frappuccino anywhere in LA. Starbucks are reporting the limited edition drink that's only out between April 19-23 are almost all gone. The supplies to make them aren't lasting with demand, so call ahead to see if your Starbucks still has it. If your Starbucks is in a popular area, it maybe already gone, just like real unicorns.