Monday, November 21, 2016

DCon 2016 More To Look At

Let's have a break down of some more of DCon the awesome vinyl toy an art convention that just took place last weekend in Pasadena.

 -Giant Robot was showing off it's catballs pin...
- Some artists we've seen before

-Fangrrlz, you've got to start making stuff that dudes can where and scare people at horror movie screenings.

 -Paul Frank even showed up, he's a big name in design

 -From a different Alien Day event we didn't cover

 Why tag the real stuff when you can on your desk?

 -I like rainsins, but just happen to love mock food containers

 -We loved this tee, so we bought it

-There was gross staff aisles away from cute stuff or just right next door

 -My time back from school