Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ninjacon 2016: Little Tokyo's Own Little Anime Convention

An all male cast of the cartoon Gravity Falls came past me spouting lines from the show. A fight between some sort of monster and a ninja started abruptly, it was just for fun, a fake cosplay duel. In the background anime theme songs were being rocked out to on stage. All because it was the one day, Little Tokyo-based Ninjacon.

We've been Ninjacon since it started and every year it gets a little bit bigger. Last Saturday, June 4 the exhibit hall was expanded outside, the old exhibit hall just a conference room. More vendors, more artists, more cosplayers.

We saw some familiar events on schedule like The Library Bards and some...uh, adult themed events at night. A JoJo panel with strange poses to be played, if you watched the anime you would get the idea of posing as oddly as possible. Gaming in the background.

A familiar face from Anime Expo, the artist Sharodactyl was happy to be a vendor at Ninjacon this year. The second we tried to get her words from her she shut down. From someone hyper to someone who gave one word answers about the event, simply saying, "Yes," she was happy to be attending.

As per usual we just want to see Ninjacon expand faster, maybe rent out the adjacent theater for a screening or use more of Little Tokyo to an advantage then just the JACCC area. When will we have a ramen eating contest?

In any case, Ninjacon you keep getting bigger and keep doing more.