Tuesday, June 28, 2016

AX Update: Mob Psycho One Hundred Exclusive Premiere

Wow, we get a nice premiere from Crunchyroll from the same guy who gave us One-Punch Man and the the president of Anime Studio Bones will be there.

Crunchyroll Presents: Mob Psycho One Hundred Exclusive Premiere 
Sunday July 3, 2016 6:15pm - 7:45pm
Video 1 JW - Platinum Ballroom
From the same man that brought you the smash-hit "ONE PUNCH MAN" comes another work that is sure to leave you craving for more-- ONE's next work "Mob Psycho One Hundred" will be making its debut here at AX! Be among the first ones catch the exclusive anime premier, with animation by the famed Studio BONES--AND to top it off, the president of Studio BONES Masahiko Minami will be there in person for a special Q&A session after the screening.