Monday, April 4, 2016

So Yamashiro is Kinda F*cked

JE Group, the new owners of Yamashiro, the wonderful Japanese restaurant that's been an icon of LA for decades in the Hollywood Hills, is getting rid of the current operators and will likely make meals cost insanely high. They raised rent on the land to $100,000, which current owner Thomas Y. Glover said he would not be able to cover with how the restaurant operates now. A new restaurant operator says they can cover higher rent, but there's a lot of speculation that prices will have to be raised to a very high degree for the new operators to stay out of the red.

Meals go for around $50-$60 now, so with new operators except the meal to go way up.

Glover will fight the eviction in court April 28th, we suggest getting down to Yamashiro before then, if you don't want to pay an insane amount for your meal or have enjoyed your experience over the years.

JE Group has to eat its own words on this, JE Chairman Kang Jianyi said there would be little changes and the restaurant would stay, but the way things are going it'll be an entirely different restaurant that will be run.

source LA Times