Friday, March 25, 2016

WonderCon 2016 Update: The Only Year in LA

WonderCon 2016 has already started, not the exhibit hall, it opens at noon today. None the less, this is the only year it's in LA. News has already come from WonderCon proper that it's back in Anaheim in 2017. Why the move back? Apparently, the convention center here is already booked at this time next year. So whatever wedding or fitness expo shows up next year, blame them.

Will have a full posting and break down soon and post if there's any last minute wonderment to remind you of.

Oh, and if anyone is up for it we suggest seeing Batman V Superman at the Regal Cinemas nearby with a big ol' nerd audience. It's playing throughout the weekend there. Some of the TTDILA crew is catching it Saturday after the con.