Monday, October 12, 2015

Creep LA It's Super Creepy

Just parking in the area not too far from Little Tokyo and the Arts District downtown, as it takes place in a warehouse behind a mortuary, will creep you out.

Creep LA starts you out going to-not the shadiest spot downtown- still we suggest taking an Uber from another nearby destination for food or drink as their is nothing to entertain you within walking distance nearby at night. Parking was ample enough.

You'll just catch the tale end of a song coming from somewhere while waiting to enter this new haunt in LA. The song will make sense once inside. *Note, you will have to sign a consent form going in, be given a safe word and remain silent unless asked to talked.

Creep LA is a genuine strange and creepy experience that will at times frighten you and have the girl that goes with you cling to you as something clings on to her. It's worth its $20 fee for the entrapment of being transported to different scenes from horror films reprised for reality. Non-specific horror films, but any horror fan will remember those moments mixed in with some new scary stories to tell. Maintaining a trim amount of people at six to a group keeps the scares tight like someone choking you.

The people inside are freaks, what you experience is like walking through a cobweb of different unrelated scenes. Everyone inside is a freak, a creep and everything can grab you and touch you from everywhere. Tight spaces will have you crawling on your knees. Corners and will be misleading, having you get lost with "friends" waiting to prey on you. Forget monsters, its homicidal murderers as a motif in this place. From room to "room" you don't know what new weirdo you will encounter.

As it's a one time experience without different outcomes this following will contain spoilers.  
*Spoilers Starting with two high school girls talking about current Internet lore and scary stories we're introduced to the Slender Man and old time favorite Scary Mary, bet you can't just say her name in a mirror three times. There's a payoff for her, but not for Slenderman or the first characters you meet. Soon they're forgotten.

We soon go on an expedition of the creepy which we did admire for pushing us along like cattle for the slaughter in scares. One freaky room had us looking for a hurt member of our group, was it really someone from our group asking for help? Another place was a Hallway of statues? Into a hiding spot from a crazed killer. Then a nice meet and greet with some total creeps giving their life stories. Wait, what are those things surrounding us? Oh, know I really don't like these brothers. It was a jump from scene and scare with it being a fun mess of strangeness.
Spoilers end

Creep has no general theme other than creeps and murderers, there is really no story to follow. Kind of a mislead from the start and we would have liked a payoff for  a certain new type creepy pasta character being discussed. Ending wise, their needs to be more of a showstopper instead of just a stop. One final bang for your buck. We just thought something else was going to happen and never did.

The cast of creeps does a fine job of freaking you out. No complaints and no high school students paid to this for a weekend, unless they are and if so, much better than any time I've seen teens employed to scare people. I would have liked to gotten to know them better...not really. The people inside do play along with the best of them and you don't want to play with them that long.

Super creepy experience to say the least. Our group's girls, three in all, were screaming throughout, just as some of the boys gave some shouts as jump scares and grabs come from everywhere. Creep LA is a fine example of what a haunt should be, with a story linking it all and a finale it would make it a top notch haunt.

We do recommend this novelty of the Halloween season, the people inside could be friendlier and more sociable then some of your co-workers and fellow students.

Creep Oct 2-Oct 31 Select dates and times 718  E. Jackson St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 $20 in advance, 18+