Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Splatoon Updates, We All Play Again

Finally, finally we will have teams with out friends! That's one of the many updates from Splatoon coming out Aug 5.

Straight into what's being updated we have the choice to choose Squad Battle and Private Battle which allows players to finally team up with friends to take down enemies as a team. Those basketball tees and those football helmets can finally be warn together by friends working together to ink the ink out of each other.

Level cap is going to be raised to level 50 (from 20) and you can now reach the rank of S+ (video games have higher rankings than A+).

Two new weapons with 40 new items of apparel to wear. You'll be getting the Slosher, a buck of ink and a gatling gun called the Splatling.

More updates are still set to come after this one on Aug 5.

Sadly, no word if we'll be getting the Ink Girl (anime) costume that Japan is getting. It's squid-diculos if we don't .