Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bartman Sculpture Unveiling

Okay, frankly Nancy Cartwright (voice of Bart) is so rich I can assume she commissioned a statue to be built of her character Bart. OR did she make it? I guess she graduated from USC? Or possibly didn't, there's not much of a back-story on this.

We'll be sure to check the local news for their terrible, terrible jokes about the event and show what it looks like.

"Friday, May 8th at 11:00 A.M.
SCA Meldman Family Cinematic Arts Park

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of THE SIMPSONS, Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson, has created a sculpture of Bart's alter-ego "Bartman". Be the first to see this sculpture of the iconic animated character before it is permanently installed in the Harold Lloyd Lobby of the Steven Spielberg Building in the USC Cinematic Arts Complex.

Please join us for free D'oh!-nuts & Coffee as Nancy Cartwright unveils the Bartman Bust."