Thursday, April 9, 2015

Jeff Winger Plays with LEGOs In LEGO Dimensions

All your favorite movies that aren't connected to Disney will meet up in LEGO Dimensions that all new Amiibo-like, Disney Infinity-like, Skylanders-like game out next fall. We're actually a little giddy to see how it will all work, maybe just by buying Lego figurines or actually building figures to unlock vehicles,characters, levels and weapons in the game. Why should Batman ride the DeLorean from Back to the Future?

Looks like the kit to start you playing will be $100 and after add-on characters, vehicles and tools will be sold separately with prices ranging from about $15 to $30. Out Sept 27. Franchises so far announced to be part of the game: The Lego Movie, The Lord of the Rings, DC Comics, The Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future, and Ninjago.