Wednesday, April 22, 2015

For the Otaku: Japanese Culture

For those seeking Japanese culture, but don't need it directly relating to anime, here's some quick bits of Japanese related info.

A New Way Forward: Japanese Hanga of the 20th Century
April 25, 2014 through April 19, 2015
In the The Frank and Toshie Mosher Gallery of Japanese Art
Pacific Asia Museum

The sosaku hanga or creative prints and shin hanga or new prints movement is explored.

"Closely tracking with the significant developments in Japanese political and social spheres of the early 20th century, the exhibition presents examples of shin hanga and sosaku hanga side-by-side in order to bring their shared aspects into focus for visitors, as well as their distinguishing characteristics. Major artists of the shin and sosaku hanga movements, including Kawase Hasui, Hiroshi Yoshida, Ito Shinsui, Kiyoshi Saito and Munakata Shiko, are included in two complete six-month rotations."

Shochiku Kabuki And UNIQLO Project

Kabuki art is transformed into a special collection  ofpants and shirts from UNIQLO

Ninkasi Brewing Company's Ground Control Beer

Out of Orgeon, we just enjoy this company's style and space travel theme.