Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How Bad Is The Next Naked Gun Film?

Yahoo Movies sat down with David Zucker, one of the creators about the new Ed Helms version... it doesn't sound very promising

I have no involvement in it. They own it and they wanted to do it with Ed Helms and two writers. It won’t be like the Naked Gun that I did. It may be good, but it won’t be that kind of movie. They’re going to use the title. They asked me if I wanted to produce. They’re nice people, but they don’t want to do that style of spoof that I do. I would want somebody who had never been in an comedy. Ed Helms is very well known for three of the biggest comedies ever. I understand why Paramount is doing what they’re doing. If my name was on it, I would be making all sorts of suggestions and trying to change it, and it would be frustrating. -Zucker

rest of the interview