Thursday, February 19, 2015

Roar Coming To Blu-Ray and Theaters

Roar is an amazing film to see in how insane it is. A man brings his family to his home in Africa that is filled with lions, tigers and other big cats that utterly scare the cr*p out of them...and it's all real. Tim League, Drafthouse Films CEO and Olive Films is bringing the film to theaters later this year and on Blu-ray. The story behind the film, that took eleven years to make, has a huge back story, with crew being injured during the making due to working with real big cats. The amount of lions in this film, at any time, makes this a horror movie more than a light-hearted family film it tries to be.

Tim League wrote an essay for the press release, which you can read fully here. And we quote below, as it mentions local video rental store Cinefile and later the Shambala, a nature preserve 40 miles north of Los Angeles that still exists to this day and has one of the stars of the film, Tippi Hendren (The Birds), giving a speech about preservation every month. The real star though has to be all the lions and big cats. Which will scare you over if they will eat the their human co-stars.

"At LA’s legendary Cinefile Video, my favorite shelf is labeled “Holy F***ing S***.”  There you'll find rare discoveries that are beyond comprehension, movies so outlandish and surreal that you cannot fathom the divine providence that allowed such mind-bogglingly singular films to exist. One of our primary missions at Drafthouse Films is to source and rediscover forgotten classics that are worthy of this shelf. Miami Connection resides here, as does The Visitor. I am proud to share that we are partnering with Olive Films to unleash what I consider the next Holy F***ing S*** masterpiece: Tippi Hedren (The Birds) and Noel Marshall’s (The Exorcist) Roar."