Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Film Hype: Damning Exposition on How New Bev Being Run

Julia Marcheese
Former Co-Manager, Julia Marcheese, of the New Bev, now run by Quentin Tarantino, has written a tell all post on how she hasn't been able to do anything as a Co-Manager, was banned from social media and eventually lost her position and forced to work the snack bar. You can read the full details here at her blog.

Her post revealed a work environment of distrust, with cameras being put up monitoring employees rather than customers.

A position of power with none, having no control over the New Bev, nor and discussions with the other in control of it.

Her last words to Julie McLean, the new general manager of the Bev,“You’re going to turn this place into a fucking multiplex, and it’s a goddam drag.”

In a heart-breaking finale, her post ends with the discussion of her documentary, "Out of Print", on the subject of 35mm film and the New Bev, where she wished to premiere the film in January.