Monday, September 29, 2014

IndieCade 2014 Update: Mountain, Crawl, Hack 'n' Slash ...

 The following are more games to be found at this year's upcoming IndieCade Oct 9-12 in Culver City. TTDILA hasn't seen any titles that have blown away our minds, but we are looking forward to playing a new demo for Hyper Light Drifter.

Mountain by David O'Reilly, maybe best known for his game work on "Her" and his full episode of Adventure Time, is a very strange game You seemingly have no control over a mountain and it does things like contemplate it's own existence. Weird.

Some nominees up for awards for the event have some eye-catching titles with some re-imagined dungeon crawlers.

Crawl by Barney Cumming and David Lloyd of Powerhoof is a multiplayer dungeon crawler with a twist. The other players are the monsters. You play as both a hero and fiends. Your friends are monster trying to kill you during your quest, if they kill you, they become the hero and you can try and kill them as a wondering spirit that can set traps and inhabit monstrous beings.

Hack 'n' Slash by Double Fine Productions has gained much regard for it's publisher's history. You'll be changing the game as you play by learning to actually hack game code. Make an enemy smaller, make them weaker, make the environment easier for you in this puzzle action game.


Mini Metro by Dinosaur Polo Club, where do I get a shirt? This simple looking strategy simulation game  has you trying to set up a perfect subway system that gets harder to maintain as the game goes on. No crime rate or graffiti problems, just moving people from one location to another in a timely way. Shapes count as people, right?


Metrico by Digital Dreams was already released on the PS Vita and made for the system, platform with info-graphics you create with weird task the game designers have come up with using the abilities of the Vita.