Friday, August 8, 2014

Adventure Time Time: Princess Bubblegum and Marceline Dated?

Olivia Olson, the voice of Marceline, told fans that Marceline and Princess Bubblegum dated. The news of their relationship took place at the recent book signing for The Adventure Time Encyclopaedia at The Grove's Barnes and Noble on Thursday night August 7th.

See the video below, which leaves out who specifically told her of the characters past dates, we assume it's Pen Ward, series creator.

Many fans have speculated that the two were a couple at some point, but wouldn't be allowed to be brought up by the standards of current television animation.

-Next Adventure Time Graphic novel from Boom, Bitter Sweets, from Kate Leth and Zachary Sterling.

It’s that lovely time of year where Princess Bubblegum gets to leave the Candy Kingdom and venture out into the outer limits of Ooo. But when her annual quest to visit old friends takes a dark and unexpected turn, it’s up to PB and Peppermint Butler to keep the peace by using the true power of friendship. Written by New York Times bestselling author Kate Leth (Adventure Time: Seeing Red), and illustrated by the sensational Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), Bitter Sweets is a deliciously twisted adventure with a surprising aftertaste.

-Q&tAy: TwinSky Games' Adventure Time: Time Tangle