Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ninja-Con or LA Cosplay Con June 7

In a few weeks way too much will be happening in LA with E3 and the LA Film Festival going on. Anime Expo isn't until July. On top of that the home brewed Ninja-Con and LA Cosplay Con will be at ends being on the same day, June 7.

Ninja-Con's second year is filled with voice actors, gaming and many strange panels. Nothing is giving TTDILA a "oh, this has to be seen" feeling. The festival, still in it's infancy is best for fans coming together. Better to think of it as one large group meet-up all day in Little Tokyo.

An artist Hall, swap meet and game room await you for entry. An after hours slate of programming for the older crowd.

Saturday, June 7
Little Tokyo
JACCC, Miyako Hotel
$20, $25 at the door

LA Cosplay Con where did you come from? A full day of cosplaying just for cosplay sake? That's cool. So if you want to take pictures and pictures and pictures or pose for them you have a location.

Other than a contest held around 6pm theirs to be booths, a gaming area and a few panel throughout the day.

LA Cosplay Con
Saturday, June 7
Hyatt Century City Play
Attendee $20, Cosplayer $15, College Student $10

Both these events should just become one. I mean Little Tokyo covered with cosplayers? Why two locations, people need to network better. Do we have an Antz and A Bug's Life situation? Anyway, their folly is your gain. You have two events taking over LA before E3 and Anime Expo to cosplay at and meetup with fellow fans of the fine arts of gaming and anime watching.