Monday, May 26, 2014

Film Hype: Cronenberg Still Scares Some People, Sundance Next Fest at Ace Hotel this year

Cronenberg still scares people, Hollywood Executives. David Cronenberg of Videodrome and other sexually charged horror has been showing off his latest film "Maps to the Stars" at the Cannes Film Festival. The film skewers Hollywood and what it's like to be part of the industry.

A Hollywood executive told him that he couldn't get some of the film's scenes — which include a washed-up actress secretly celebrating a tragedy because it will allow her to land a part as well as a child star verbally abusing his representatives — out of his head.
"He said, 'I've been having nightmares about your movie,'" Cronenberg recalled in an interview Tuesday. "He told me he went to [Southern France's uber-posh hotel] Du Cap, and everywhere he looked he saw scenes from the film."

Cannes Film Festival: 'Maps to the Stars' skewers Hollywood

Giving an executive any kind of emotion is strange even for Cronenberg.

Sundance Next Fest will be at the Ace Hotel this year instead of the theater it owns... on Sunset.

Sundance Next Fest to head for Ace Hotel in downtown L.A.