Friday, April 11, 2014

Short Peace April 18-24

Short Peace features the work of four different directors, some iconic, some still making a break in anime. Possessions, an Academy Award nominated animated short is about a lone traveler confronted by spirits and an abandoned shrine, directed by Shuhei. Gambo, a red demon wants to hunt a royal family, but a mysterious white bear defends them, directed by Hiroaki Ando with character designs by Yohiyuki Sadamoto of Evangleion fame. A Farewell To Arms, men battle robotic tanks in Tokyo's apocalyptic age, directed by Haijime Katoki known for his character design work on Mobile Suit Gundam. Combustible, what was it like being a in ancient Japan dealing with fires, love and honor? Katsuhiro Otomo shows us as a director.

Short Peace
April 18-24
Downtown Indepdent
251 S. Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012