Monday, February 17, 2014

So Much Ghibli, Oh So Much Ghibli

Too much, I'm stuffed. I can't take anymore beautiful animation with bad endings and in general bad writing. Hey, I'm a fan too, but way too much Ghibli and Miyazaki movies are playing in town.

First up we have the dubbed version of The Wind Rises getting on the big screen, coming out first at The El Capitan and The Landmark starting Feb 21. Then catch it at select theaters. The dub cast is an impressive mess of Hollywood stars including Joseph Gorden-Levitt and Elijah Wood.

The Wind Rises
February 21- 27
The El Capitan
The Landmark

My review of it was not high. Do not bring your kids. Not due to sexual situations or violence, it's mostly because it's boring.

A young man in Japan follows his dream to build wonderful air-crafts and along the way might fall in love with some one much younger than him.

Back with the Wind: Miyazaki, Takahata, and the Masters of Studio Ghibli
Feb 16-Mar 20
Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028
Want to cry? There's no better time than during some of the most sad moments of Grave of the Fireflies, one of the films in this retrospective series.
A big selection of Ghibli films to see between now and March.
It's kind of getting obvious that the American Cinematheque held on to the films from the Miyazki Retrospective from last year. In truth it's the third year in a row they're showing Ghibli films. If your a fan that's great, but I'd like to remind them there's so many other anime films out there to show. Let people get a taste for some other anime series Cineamatheque!

Spirited Away
Feb 21
The Nuarte

This midnight showing is for the Oscar-winning Spirited Away, one of the only Ghibli films with an ending.

A young girl learns and teaches lessons on greed, friendship and even a little environmentalism with a cast of Japanese spirits and demons at a bath house.