Friday, February 21, 2014

Alison Stevenson Tragic Love Stories

love the hate in this picture of Stevenson
Alison Stevenson did what I couldn't, she attended the terrible sounding Valentine's Day speed dating on the red line event that happened only a week ago.

Her Vice article tells a tale of great sadness on the rails of the red line.

"So I got a number. A number I will never call. Everything was going as I expected.'

I wanted to go for the speed dating with a hidden camera and pretend to have a terrible personality for reactions, but thatdidn't come to pass.

Ms. Stevenson's early love adventures include going to a local Jewish Singles Mixer which ended with her not having a date either.

If for some reason Ms. Stevenson does read this article please continue your tragic love stories and and possibly attend Captured Aural Phantasy Theater presents: Forbidden Love March 9, tales of romance comics reworked into skits with a Hollywood-centric views. I'll totally be your date.