Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Covered CA My Problems So Far

-Applied, wrongfully rejected for not filing taxes as a married couple though I'm not married to anyone.

-Attempts at calling have failed, currently today Dec 18, the message just state lines are busy then goes through a breakdown of the website, then repeats itself in Spanish. Then it simply ends the call.
This is the second time the phone line doesn't even have a wait time.

-Currently waiting to talk to someone in online chat. I'm number 196 in the queue. Wait time should be twenty minutes.

The Covered California site isn't even the one that's been getting the nation wide bad press. Whoever designed and is behind it has utterly failed to help people on what should be some of the most simple forms.

Same goes for the idiotic traffic ticket site.

How have your dealing with Covered CA been? Post them in the comments section, it's easier to do than filling out the forms online.

Update: Wow, my login almost timed-out even though I'm still waiting to chat with someone. Number 116 , that's a huge error in design.

Update # 2.

It counted down, then said no one was available? Why the Hell was it counting down?