Monday, December 23, 2013

Adventure Time Time: Flip It

 This needs to happen. We all know Finn and Jake would mop the floor with Mordecai and Rigby, it wouldn't fit each other show, but it be fun to see Finn and Jake just smack them around for a bit.


-There's no new Adventure Time episodes until January.

- Adventure Time Flip Side #1 is coming out in January featuring gender- swapped versions of Adventure Time peeps. It's being done by Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover on writing and Wook Jin Clark on art.

-Mighty lame that folks at the NY Comic-Con didn't earn this year's Medallion . Fans and I went on a very long quest to earn it at the real SD Comic-Con and those at the NY Comic-Con just had to buy an Adventure Time item at the Mighty Fine booth. If someone has the medal ask if they earned it. If they didn't, they aren't a true fan.Tell them that to their face. You are better than them and a true fan. Shame on you Mighty Fine, you mighty lame this time.