Friday, November 15, 2013

LAPD Blog Screw Up

The post about LAPD's Chief Charlie Beck's monthly media availability meeting for November on the LAPD Blog seemed simple enough. Until it's awkward ending claiming Yen Lung the first Chinese-American hired by the LAPD and also the first Chinese-American hired in the US.

Hired for being a cop? That makes no sense.

After a quick search online for this strange claim, you might get Heather Fong, a Chinese-American who was the Chief of police in San Francisco a few years back.

Someone's not fact-checking some claims over at the LAPD Blog or Chief Beck got into the eggnog early.

Update: Oh, I screwed up. The LAPD Blog was mentioning the hiring of ,

 "Lung Yep (the blog incorrectly identifies him as Yen Lung), the first Chinese American policeman in the United States, who was hired by the LAPD one hundred years ago this month." ,  pointed out to me by Angry Asian Man when I wrote to him about it.

So technically they still screwed up over at the LAPD Blog.