Wednesday, November 20, 2013

LA Links: Soda, Milkshakes, and Tacos

I missed the AMA with Galco's Soda Pop Stop John Neese. A soda of the month club was discussed, it needs to be my birthday present if it comes together. Soda Tasting Number 4 coming next July!

One of my favorite questions asked:

What's the rarest soda you own? Or like to have?

Riki!!! It's an Artic black tar soda from Finland! It tastes like a very light cola with tar...people back in the day used to chew on tar. I would love to carry this in glass. Just about all the sodas in my store are in glass. Much better tasting!

$500 Milkshake Brings All the Douchebags to the Bar

LA Weekly doesn't like a new place to get milkshakes in LA. There are many places for hipster milkshakes and I hate them all. MILK on Beverly sucks. So many hipsters, so overpriced.

The Worst Restaurant in L.A. is at the Hollywood and Highland Center?

Sun Taco, don't eat there apparently.