Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hip Hop Farmboy Review Gabe Not Be Trippin

Yeah boy!!!! Gabe brings what he learned about break dancing in his new mini-comic about his younger bear self. In Hip Hop Farmboy  we learn how to bust moves along side a tiny bear who breathes in the break dancing culture. You could even learn some moves from artist/ writer Gabe's guide.

His narration and outline move so damn good compared to to other comics. So many comics move with no grace and don't get the medium can break the lines and change. Dance comic creators, dance!

He's making me research the Fat Boys from this. An actual group of fat rappers who rapped about eating. Damn you Gabe, now I have to look for that online.

40 pages
full color
Manga sized (5.25 x 7.5)
This book released November 2013 is available in traditional form ($5.99) and for digital download ($.99) at the Life In The Analog store.