Monday, November 11, 2013

Comic Hype: Clown Fatale!

This one! Trying a bit too hard. Some beautiful clown girls get mistaken for a mercenary squad so they become one? Thus, Clown Fatale is born. From an Italian artist, which means sexy art right away. It almost sound like a manga the concept sound so out there. It's like a 70's exploitation movie that was never made

Written by Victor Gischler (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike—A Dark Place, Punisher MAX, X-Men) and drawn by Italian artist Maurizio Rosenzweig, with colors by Moreno Dinisio, Clown Fatale is darkly humorous and graphically violent, a vivid, stylish, cinematic tale of action and blood. The series will also feature covers by Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash, Ex Sanguine, The Occultist).

 In the world of circus folk, there’s nothing lower than a clown. So when the Femme Clowns are mistaken for contract killers, they abandon their shabby traveling circus for a world of violence and cruelty—with clown makeup.  

 Clown Fatale #1 is in comic shops everywhere November 13, 2013