Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Update: Midori the anime that tells A Serbian Film to take a hike

This is not from the film
ANIMATION BREAKDOWN Halloween (feat. Midori) 
Mon, October 28, 2013 10:00 PM
The Cinefamily

Midori, a euro-stylem guro anime screening. Here's the preview, if you dare, it's NSFW.

Guro- erotic gore

Circus freaks that rape a young girl, banned in Japan currently and having many scenes where people blow up realistically the film seems utterly appalling. That's right, a film that Japan banned? I've not even heard of that before. For a fan of Akira and other anime heavy violence films, people suddenly blowing up is not so bad, but what happens in the trailer is beyond disgusting and weird.

Creepier still the film was made by one man over five years and whatever copies do exist are supposedly unfinished versions as the real copies were confiscated and destroyed.

Oh yes, puppy gets stomped to death from what I've gleamed from the internet.

Here's an nice quote from a review of the film

"Shoujo Tsubaki[Midori] is tantamount to having a horse’s testicle along with your buttered bread of action and harem salad."