Wednesday, September 11, 2013

IndieCade 2013 Finalists and Festival News

IndieCade 2013 
Oct 3-6
Downtown Culver City
Register now for deals

IndieCade just released a list of games going on at the festival. Over 150 games to check out at this year's festival. From video games to board games to weird spatial displacement games that need your phone to work, it's all at IndieCade 2013.

The main schedule is up too, so that you may plan what night games to play and what lectures on making games you want to take. Poor attempts at naming such lectures like "Jiro Dreams of Game Design" , seem to be the funniest part.  The award show is schedule for Thursday Oct 3rd, at the start of the festival, crushing the dreams of everyone who loses and painting a target on all of the winners to "accidentally" have coffee spilled on them by the losers. Those losers still have a chance with the audience award at the second Closing Award Show.

Oct 5-6 the average festival pass buyer can enjoy a day of playing the games. Put down $20 and you can try plenty of new titles and even weird stuff from college grads who still think they can change the world with smiles.

Sony seems to be taking the most active role again, letting the finalists pitch to them to sell on their console. Microsoft and Nintendo you should start paying attention more.

I'll have some top picks to look out for coming up. Come out just to see the developers look up at the sun and hiss. So many, so pale. I'll be selling the sunscreen at exorbitant prices.