Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shaved By Pirates Thanks To Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag

 One of the best sights of Comic-Con this year was the pirate ship in back of the convention center. It was a vessel filled with Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag hype and two barbers who would give you a nice shave. Schick made a deal with Ubisoft and put two barber chairs on the top deck to shave scurvy bearded Comic-Con-faring hairy men. The Schick Quarto razor would be cutting off your beard, no straight razor as many men thought. Free shaving cream and t-shirts for those willing to be cut by pirates made the boat not only about gaming, but shaving.

The didn't shave off on the cost of this vessel. Filled with pirates, history mementos, a photo booth where you could dress like a pirate, buckets of free inflatable swords, a preview of the game in a mini-theater and playable demos and an Ubisoft store to buy rare con only goods made me wonder how the vessel could stay afloat with so much stuff and heavy set gamers