Sunday, June 23, 2013

This Is The End Quick Review Seth Rogen Has Money To Waste

The directorial debut of Seth Rogen is best explained as Seth being so rich he can do whatever he wants including making a movie and putting all his friends in it. A plot about the apocalypse taking down LA moves at a crawl pace when Seth and his well known friends take refuse in James Franco's house and chew the scenery until a fifteen minute ending that might shock you if you've never seen these American actors or action movies. One day it will be a gem of foreign indie theaters as a wtf selection that makes no sense, but has great cameos.

It's not worth your time or even your view on Netflix down the line. Seth has money to burn and instead of just giving it to charity he made a movie for himself that in no way should have ever been seen by the public. The World's End by Edgar Wright is looking to be far and beyond anything this movie did or attempted.

A complete break down of thought while being trapped in house with people trying to be funny who aren't. One of the worst parts was the lack of seeing LA's destruction by a band of comedians who should have been walking around LA.