Monday, April 22, 2013

It's the ShizNick: What Happened? Did People Get Slimed?

Olmec Coming! by Jude Buffum Nick Keyboard by now defunct
Brain Works released in 1994.

Calling all kids of the 90's and 80's! Kids of today too I guess with Nicktoon broadcasting all the old stuff. Where we're you last Friday night? Bowling? Watching a film? Discussing your views on how bread is made? Watching a film on your phone while bowling and discussing how bread is made? Then you might have had yourself a boring evening and no way as fun as Iam8bit's Nickelodeon tribute art show. It's the ShizNick took over the gallery Friday night to fans of the cartoons and show that made up classic Nickelodeon's schedule. You could enter yourself in a raffle to be slimed. With slimings every 30 minutes. That night many people discussed just what was in the slime and if it was edible. I can tell you that it did get everywhere, would not come off with just paper towels and had the second slimed contestant tripping on his own green goo and destroying the kiddie pool meant to contain.

It wasn't just about slimings, though it should have been. Iam8bit's roster of well known artists made special tribute pieces. I had a chance to talk to Dave Crosland who pulled off a caper of a great Danger Mouse piece. He grew up with Nick as a kid and had to pay tribute to the spectacular spy mouse. Gabe Swarr was also attending, showing off in his usual corner of the gallery. He once again used his comic style that he does for his own Dumm comic Life in the Analog Age. Gabe shared his memory of only have Nick for a year growing up and what he could remember from Nick in that year.

Iam8bit had DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba busting out beats while below fans had the treat of taking a picture with Nick props like a giant Stick Stickly in  recreated custom-built "You Can't Do That on Television lockers.

 A cascade of memories from the art and people cosplaying as characters from all that or real life cartoon character made you think off a time when Nick was the best kid's channel out there. Long before Disney restructured or Cartoon Network only kept showing old reruns from Hanna Barbera. People remembered nick well. They remembered the comedy, cartoons and families covered in green slime.

Art Gallery
Slime and Cosplay

If I get some film developed I should have one more special gallery to add to this post