Monday, April 29, 2013

AOL Kills ComicsAlliance If Joystiq Next AOL Finally Dead To Me

Update: The site would die on a day when there was no new episode of Adventure Time.

AOL had two great thing about it and now it has one. ComicsAlliance is shutting down or is almost down. There might be some messages from the staff unless AOL is completely dark hearted, but I'm sure the staff would have like to know it was there last week and such. Comics Alliance was an excellent source of comic book news and very often for Adventure Time, for which we here at TTDILA care for deeply. It covered not just comic details, but in general all the best nerd stuff on the net. I can't imagine the reason AOL is shutting it down, but sheer incompetence. MTV Geek and a handful of other sites really can't make up for all the coverage that site would generate. It's a real shame. Good-bye ComicsAlliance, thank you for all the fish.

Nothing to do now, but wait until Joystiq drops and all news is Kotaku and IGN uhhhhhh.
