Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Anime Los Angeles 2013 Jan 4-6

Animé Los Angeles 9 January 4-6, 2013

Start off the new year with loving anime with cosplayers and fans. One of the earliest events of the new year for all those into manga, video games and the wide spectrum of anime out there. This year the event has some Funimation help it seems with a sneak panel and more. There's plenty 18+ events for those late nights and a plethora of panels for all types of fans of all ages

This event is different from others over the year, because there isn't a show floor . There is an artist allley and areas to chill out, but not a real area to buy goods it seems.

There's going to be some big cosplay events like the Gothic Mad Tea Party

Haw! Kirby's Dream Band is playing too

I'll have some more updates on the event as it approaches