Friday, November 30, 2012

Jamie Taete Bitches About LA for Vice Magazine

 I remember reading a great article from Vice Magazine on Woody Harrelson's breakdown after having a problematic senstion on Reddit's AMA (Ask Me Anything) about someone saying Woody raped someone.

Now Vice has an article about why LA sucks and calls it the worst city on Earth. You can read Reasons Why Los Angeles Is the Worst Place Ever for a good laugh as most of it is true, but hardly makes it the worst city in the world. I think I've read similar articles hundreds of times. I'm just sorry Vice couldn't keep finding celebrities who were being called out for rapes and instead puts together the same churned out garbage all other media does all the time. Vice Magazine your as good as local new coverage from now on in my book.

Here's another delightful article by Jamie Lee Curties bitching about , shock , a art opening sucking because the art sucks, is pretentious and obvious. Jeez, that never happens. You're the 2 Broke Girls of sitcoms Vice Magazine: repetive, obnoxius and dirty.