Saturday, November 24, 2012

Anime Hype: Viz Stocking Stuffers

This holiday season you have a wide variety of anime to choose from. The back on track and very fun InuYasha The Final Act, which I reviewed earlier is great for any fan whose been waiting to see the end of the series. Powering up and the constant yelling of Kagome will be like Jingle Bells in an Otaku's ears.

For a good amount of violence you have Beserk: The Golden Age Arc. A new movie  Bleach, Hell Verse, to see some supernatural pain explode on your screen. Who could ever forget Naruto with his next feature length release, Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Will of Fire. Each title will be a great gift to find underneath an anime fans tree and to be watched right away on Christmas or a later time during Hannukah.