Friday, September 7, 2012

Shriekfest 2012

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Shriekfest, now in it's 12th year is returning to LA and Raleigh Studios. Showing a diverse assortment of all things to freak you out, there's such a different range of scary movies to get nightmares from. Many of the filmmakers and actors in attendance will want to hear your screams. The horror comedies usually stand out, but there are so many other genres of scary stuff, sci-fi and fantasy.

Shriekfest 2012 - Oct 4-7th
Raleigh Studios
5300 Melrose Ave Hollywood

Don't forget the
Opening Night Party Oct 4th
B-52 Club/Boardners
Hollywood, CA
"Come kick off the fest with an opening night party, food, dancing, and each ticket gets 1 free ticket to a screening of your choice at the festival. "

The full list of films was just posted on their site, but it hasn't updated with synopsizes and trailers just yet.  Hold on to TTDILA for your dear life and updates.