Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Giant Robot Still Giant

Giant Robot had another great opening in Little Tokyo last Saturday. Hundreds of fans, dozens of artist and one man wearing a television came out the years and years of Giant Robot history. Work from many different artists are now encased on the first floor of the museum. Vinyl toys moded by many show all the differences in the artist that GiantRobot has covered. Upstairs artist like Deth P. Sun and Ako Castuera had much bigger sections with their work and were challenged to do more by owner and creator of Giant Robot Eric Nakamura. The art was accompanied by killer beats and food. Some food wasn't that edible and I don't mean that in a bad way. Catburger, the game where you create the fastest cat composed of burger parts had it's own photo section, so you yourself might become a sandwich of sorts.

Giant Robot has been part of LA's culture for some time now, not only finding and reporting on it, but creating it with both community action and the love of video games and arts. I always hope to see more from them. Seeing such fanfare and so many people come out really shows how much there apart of LA and I will continue to writing about all they do. Now here's plenty of pics from the event, but go see it for yourself.





Giant Robot Biennale 3

September 23, 2012 - January 20, 2013