Monday, August 13, 2012

Tanabata Festival Lanterns of Nisei Week 2012

Right in front of the MOCA and past the Japanese National American Museum in Little Tokyo are many wafting tanabata lanterns. Be sure to check them out while there up. My favorite one had to be the Kirby lantern with star streamer. It's one of many colorful lanterns up right now during Nisei week.

 Kirby, was right next to Pickachu, I'm glad the hangers knew Nintendo.

Wait, who's that? Why it's Goku of Dragon Ball.

BTW, the market in Weller Court doesn't carry the Golden Sayan can of Dragon Ball soda, but the soda remains orange and delicious.

There's plenty more fun ones like Ultraman and a sushi one. Don't forget Doramon.

 There's also of plenty of beautiful colorful lanterns with no  homage to a anime.

 more pics after the jump