Saturday, August 11, 2012

Power Morphicon 2012

You've got to be kidding me, I can meet Bulk and Skull. Yes, yes I can and so can you at this year's Power Morphicon.Not just Bulk and Skull, but past Power Rangers and the upcoming current cast!

Power Morphicon
August 17-19
Pasadena Convention Center

Panels like

“Pretty and Powerful”
A look back on the women who shaped POWER RANGERS.

seems like pure fun. This is the event for any fan of any of the series. Check out the event and guest list and see whose coming.

It's three days of Power Rangers. Three days of action. Three days of chances of meeting your favorite ranger.

I want to play with those action figures again, right now! On a side note, I really the film "Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle" which might be the best thing out of Japan as it has every incarnation of former Power Rangers fighting each other and monsters and includes their zords. Another film is planned with all the former Kamen Riders down the line.

Oh man, I hope someone dresses like Lord Zed, I want a picture of me and Lord Zed!