Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mike Lazzo, Keith Crawford Put Panty and Stocking & Danger 5 on Adult Swim

Mike or Keith you need to add two imports to your Adult Swim line up.

First Panty and Stocking,a anime about two slutty and bitchy angels that parodies movies and TV shows and the animation style of pioneering Cartoon Network cartoons. Humor as sick as possible and two angels that transform by dancing on stripper poles. Made by Gainax, licensed by Funimation in the states.

Fund it!

Secondly, Danger 5. A group of international peacekeepers set with one goal "KILL HITLER!,". Like watching the greatest B-Movie ever made in every episode. Set during World War 2 with a very different memory of the events that happened, the Danger 5 team fights with itself just as much as it's enemies. Huge buzz on the Internet, only 6 episodes, full aired in Australia. from the director of Italian Spider-man.

Fund it!

If you're feeling generous Madoka Magica, a completely new darker take on the magical school girl drama. Starts of cute then starts getting dark. Through Aniplex.

Fund it!

Lastly, bring back Toonami if you can just as a platform for anime shows. You'd have to win over the boys market with that time slot. There's been a huge outcry for it to come back since the April Fool's episode.

Fund it!