Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well: Images of Death in the Middle Ages@ The Getty

Oh Getty, you always know how to cheer me up.

Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well: Images of Death in the Middle Ages will be on display May 29–August 12, 2012, at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Center
There's going to be a map to Hell
"Dante’s references to the location, shape, and structure of hell drove Renaissance scholars to translate his text into detailed maps. One such map, printed in 1515 and on loan from UCLA’s Special Collections, features a detailed pit that is 3,400 miles wide and deep with nine concentric circles representing different levels of sin"

They'll also have special collection on depictions of death and the afterlife. I would have put it more towards Halloween, but it should be great to grab some real nightmares from or to understand the common fears of mortality painted and drawn by people who lived at a very unpleasant time.

more info

I'll remind you in the weekly section when it's about to open.