Friday, April 6, 2012

Game Hype: Beyond Retro Game Master

Even though Retro Game Master's Dub DVD's will be hitting this summer. There are some other Japanese shows on video games I'd like to see stateside.

I could be horribly wrong, but  the show possibly titled "American Crayfish Kikainokarada Program" seems to tackle more modern games and making fun of them. This is a Japanese comedy duo show, the Crayfish Kikainokarada part of the title is the duo's strange group name I beleive. They seem to review games similar to Retro Game Master with skits. Funny enough Retro Game Master seems to make some apperances.

7BIT ch hosted by Porno Suzuki (fake host name) seems to be more about arcade stuff, but looks like a fun show about the lesser know history of games. Like Arino (Retro Game Master) he also had a trip to America, looking for a Vectrix? He visits both local Game Dude and the Vintage Arcade Superstore.