Sunday, April 8, 2012

Exploding! Cai Guo-Qiang: Sky Ladder MOCA

04.08.12 - 07.30.12  
 Geffen Contemporary/Little Tokyo

Oh Yeah!!!!!!!! I just lived a moment out of a Die Hard movie! Saturday April 7th outside the MOCA/Geffen Contemporary an alien god was born with a fiery explosion. While LACMA plays around with a 10 million dollar rock, MOCA brings in thousands with explosive alien deities! The artist Cai Guo-Qiang gave us a strange look to the star in his "Sky Ladder" , which was brief, but amazing.

As thousands stood behind me and waited for it to get dark an amazing blaze came off the side of the MOCA from a fun countdown. The same loudspeakers that counted down were left on for the internal communications, one cameraman was told to forget turning on some device as his butt would be in flames if he went for it. Once the countdown began there would be no stopping it. Safety might have stopped it with the fire department and a street closure nearby in case that stupid cameraman had gone for whatever device he needed on, poor time management or forgetfulness from said cameraman could have ruined the show as such I hope he is fired, not as literally as he would have if he had been caught in the super fantastic blast that was like being in an action movie, for get 3D, it can't compare. Simply, check out the video above to see if for yourself. Yet, without being there you'll never really know how great it was.

MOCA  was packing people in as much as possible, even holding up the show to get as many people in as possible to the viewing area. Sounds way better than a 4am unveiling of a giant rock showing up, ehh LACMA? Maybe have something that the community can enjoy and why you told people about it's arrival I will never fully understand, because it wasn't news, it was never news, at the very least it was a conversation within LACMA at the water cooler. "So when's the rock showing up? Tuesday"

No talk of Tuesdays was at the exhibition, now open, showcasing  Cai Guo-Qiang work. Gotta say a upside down alien crop circle is a nice touch. Way to go MOCA, I know you can't say it's a competition, but since the Tim Burton Exhibit left, your beating LACMA like a big rock hitting someone in the head.