Thursday, February 23, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken Launch Party March 1st

I'm so torn! Why Capcom? Why do this awesome event the same night as leetUp. It begs me to question whose throwing the shindig if iam8bit is producing leetuUp.

Anyway, here's the stats and you gotta RSVP here to get in

When: Thursday March 1
Where: Majestic Hills - 650 Spring St, Los Angeles CA
Time: 8pm - 12am
Events: MadCatz will be on-site selling its all-new arcade sticks, Unity will have a stream going all evening (ideally including some pro exhibition matches and prizes, more to come) and the venue wil even have a special appearance from producer Yoshinori Ono!

Seth Killian please don't talk at the event, you're best not being the voice of Capcom and just working well behind the scenes.