Friday, February 10, 2012

Multiplayer x2 @ Gallery 1988 Melrose

Oh, wow I should have written about this one earlier, but it snuck up on me. A brand new video game art show!

Multiplayer x2
video game themed prints

Opening Reception: Friday, February 10, 7-10pm
February 10 - March 3, 2012

 Gallery1988 Melrose
7020 Melrose Avenue 
Los Angeles, CA 90038

 (323) 937-7088
Maybe it was all last minute, I don't see a list of artist so it's a gamble of whose in it. Just a heads up you could crash the Rhythm Heaven event at IAM8BIT Gallery and vice-versa

Here's some more pieces

I'll try to cover it later, but I'll have a link when all the art goes up online. Remember though, first come, first served.