Monday, January 16, 2012

Matt and Seth Nice Guys at Adult Swim Art Show x Gallery 1988

A man waited outside 28 hours to enter the bliss of multiple artistic endeavors based of well known and obscure Adult Swim shows. Korgoth to Space Ghost was plastered up and down the walls of Gallery 1988 Melrose on Friday the 13th. You can check all the pieces online now.
Seth Green and David Listfield

Interviews with co-creators Matt Senreich and Seth Green of Robot Chicken and artist Dave Listfield.

Artist such as Zac Gorman, Glen Brogan, Olly Moss, Kevin Tong and other internet well-knowns and 1988 alumni remembered their favorite shows. It was a night to remember murder and blood shed and how stupid cartoons can and still make us laugh. Fan favorites seemed to be Dave Listfield's and Glen Brogan's works. Glen wrote that he had planned out his Harvey Birdman piece a few years back and went back to rework it. Yet, his Space Ghost piece sold out right away.

Seth and Matt of Robot Chicken were both in their nerd element and were chatting with fans and signing posters. They are total nerds at heart and are happy to talk to fans. They just celebrated their 100th episode airing on Adult Swim last Sunday.Word on the street is their helping create some Star Wars comedy show with Lucas.

The silliest part of the night might have been how fast people got in line to get the pieces. From the line outside to the line inside it seemed people knew what they wanted right away. Could it be that the resellers market online is that good or do people know what they want right away? Some seemed to pick up their posters and exit immediately into the night. They should have stayed and checked out the show, everybody was let into the pool that night, it was free swim.