Monday, August 8, 2011

Super iam8bit Explosion!

Just a bIt of Gabe Swarr's piece has been revealed. Super Mario with duct tape?

Other tidbits have been announced
 -The world's largest arcade cabinet
- A Kinect hack  from Double Fine
-BLIK 's decals all over the space.

Jim Rugg's Rampage piece

 "We're Not in Hyrule Anymore" by  Luisa Uribe.

Joystiq has a preview of the new book, Super iambit, it looks great. I remember seeing all those pieces in person.

for a bunch of nameless spoiler images like the one above head to gamesradar, I wonder who did it?

via Rampaged Reality

The One by Philip

8 bit shit, no not the dodgebal team I interviewd, but the bathroom for 8-bit will be covered in Scott Pilgrim.