Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nisei Week 2011: Orochon Over Spice Table

Orochon Ramen

 123 S Onizuka St
Los Angeles, CA 90012 Located in Weller Court 3rd Floor

 I whole-heatedly hope you have Orochon Ramen over The Spice Table. Two very different restaurants only a few blocks from one another in Little Tokyo. Although, plenty of booths can get rid of your munchies during Nisei Week, when you want to sit down and eat I suggest Orchon. Orchon has big and I mean big bowls of Ramen to fill your gut. If you feel up to it you can take the Spicy challenge to gain fame on the wall of achievement. I wonder of Greg De Stefano ever made it. Simple choices and big portions for the right amount of cash blow Orchon Ramen as a great place to eat during the festive week or year round

 Then you have The Spice Table that has big portions on style, but not food.

The Spice Table

114 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Overpriced and a place to get tiny portions of not that stellar food. The Spice Table serves a great look, but little else.
 Vietnamese and Singapore style is the food, you'd think with wood cooked food you get that extra special oomph of flavor. What you have is a place to get a drink and there are so many other places nearby.

I had their specialty the bone marrow and can say it's better to just eat meat and in larger portions somewhere else.

If you want a big meal go to Orochon if you want nothing on your plate go to The Spice Table